Check the overall health of VXRAIL cluster.
- Access to vCenter
Procedure & Validation
- Connect to vSphere using the S1 account
> Check the state of the hosts
- Choose the Datacenter > Hosts & Cluster > Hosts:
Check the value of status is Normal - Validation: All the hosts must be in « Normal » state
(In the case of a « Warning » state, there should be no incident reported, except if it occurs on multiple nodes or across all nodes within the same cluster)
> Check the state of the VMs
- Choose the Datacenter > VMs > Virtual Machines :
Check the value of status is Normal - Validation: All the VMs must be in « Normal » state
(In the case of a « Warning » state, there should be no incident reported, except if it occurs on multiple nodes or across all nodes within the same cluster)
> Check the state of the Datastores
- Choose the Datacenter > Datastores > Datastores:
Check the value of status is Normal - Validation: All the Datastores must be in « Normal » state
(In the case of a « Warning » state, there should be no incident reported, except if it occurs on multiple Datastores or across all Datastores within the same cluster)
> Checking the performance of the hosts
Choose the Datacenter > Select the wanted cluster > Monitor > vSphere DRS > CPU Utilization & Memory Utilization : Verify the value for each node in each cluster does not exceed 80%
Validation: Memory and CPU usage should not exceed 80%.
> Run the the Skyline Health test
Choose the Datacenter > Select the wanted cluster > Monitor > vSAN > Skyline Health : Verify that no critical error exists (No health score for satellite)
- Value range:
- Value range 81-100 = On Target/Healthy.
- Value range 61-80 = Degraded health.
- Value range 0-60 = Unhealthy.
- Validation: The score must not be less than 80.
Send email and Create tickets:
Send a summary email regarding the state of the VXRAIL infrastructure using template in this folder MCO ACT - VxRail Infrastructure Health on ddmmyyyy
A ticket must be created and assigned to Support. The subject of the ticket depends on the failed metric and the type of error
Status of the Node
- If there is a service failure or a connection issue with the vCenter
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/ESxi _Services et Agents
- If the failure occurs at the physical layer of the node
Status of VMs
- If the failure occurs at the ESXi layer
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/ESxi _Services et Agents
- Other cases:
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VM bloquée
Status of Datastore:
- If the failure is due to saturation
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/Saturation du DataStore
- If the failure occurs at the ESXi layer
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/ESxi _Services et Agents
Performance of the Hosts
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/ESxi _Services et Agents
Status of vSAN
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/ESxi _Services et Agents
If the vCenter is unreachable
Incidents/Infrastructure/Virtualisation/VMware/VCenter injoignable